Thursday, January 17, 2013

Favorite Icon - favicon

Just learned a web design tool that will be useful for anyone out there creating their own website. Its a simple little task but gives you a little flair and shows more completeness with your design.

I created a favorite icon using Adobe Photoshop and a web site called

  1. First take your logo or graphic that you would like to use as a favicon and minimize it into a 16x16 pixel image at a resolution of 72 pixels/inch.
  2. Next, you will want to save it as a .PNG.
  3. Take the PNG and go to You will upload the .PNG into their .ICO generator and you will then save you new ICO in a proper location for your website. I used my assets folder.
  4. Go into your html document for each page that you want to support your new favorite icon and enter code: <link  href="assets/yournewicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon"> . The code will be placed in between your header tags.

Monday, January 7, 2013

First Blog Ever!

Hello Everyone!
This is my first blog ever! I am a graphic designer trying to find my way through my career. Currently I was hired at  and Van Gohg Again Editions It is a great opportunity for myself to grow and learn. I will be stretching canvas, helping with the customer service, and eventually get into the web design and color correction side of the business. 

In this blog I aim to show development of my artistic talents and knowledge as I go along in my professional career. I will try to give updates weekly or at least once a month. I am excited to see how much I grow and learn through out my career. Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you enjoy what may come in the future. 

P.S. Go check out my website at


Scott J. Latimer